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Nutrition Services

Comprehensive nutrition services offered at Colorado Springs Family Practice location

Nutrition Services offered in Colorado Springs, CO

Nutrition is crucial for maintaining optimal health and wellness. At Colorado Springs Family Practice, we recognize the importance of personalized nutrition services in helping you achieve your health goals. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing comprehensive nutrition guidance tailored to your individual needs. Before scheduling an appointment with our nutritionist, it’s important to establish care with one of our primary care providers. They will work with you to address any underlying health issues and ensure that our nutrition services align with your overall healthcare plan. To take the first step towards optimizing your health and nutrition, call our office or request an appointment online today. We look forward to supporting you on your journey to better health.

Nutrition Services Q&A

Why are nutrition services important?

Nutrition fuels your body with the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats that it needs for optimal function. It supports everything from the health of your skin to your bone strength, including:

  • Immune system function
  • Energy levels
  • Mental focus
  • Cardiovascular health

Poor nutrition also contributes to obesity and increases your risk of chronic diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

Nutrition services at the family practice ensure that your body has the nutrients it needs to function and keep chronic diseases at bay.

How can nutrition services improve my health?

The team believes in the power of proper nutrition. They can educate you about your body’s needs and how to fulfill them with a healthy, nutrient-dense diet.

Your provider begins with an exam and testing to identify nutrient deficiencies. Many Americans have high rates of nutritional deficiencies in vitamins A, B5, B12, C, D, E, and folate. Additionally, many have iron deficiencies or don’t consume enough iodine or zinc.

After your assessment, your provider creates a nutritional plan to ensure you consume everything your body needs within an appropriate calorie range. Many patients find they eat more than ever, but because their diet is full of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains, they lose weight and feel amazing.

When necessary, your provider can also prescribe vitamins and other supplements to address deficiencies that don’t improve with dietary changes alone.

What nutrition services are available?

We provides highly customized health care, including nutritional counseling. Your program is designed specifically for you. 

Before seeing our nutritionist, you’ll need to establish care with one of our primary care providers. They’ll address any underlying health concerns and ensure our nutrition services fit your healthcare plan


You learn about your dietary needs and sensitivities. You learn about the nutrients in different foods and why it’s critical to choose healthy foods over nutrient-deficient foods. 

Meal planning

Your provider works with you to create a nutrient-rich meal plan. This doesn’t mean that you eat the same thing every day or that you have to give up treats. Instead, you create a repertoire of recipes that you enjoy and can plan and prepare in advance to reduce your risk of ordering takeout at the end of a long day.

Your meal plan includes treats, but instead of relying on pizza or other convenience foods, you enjoy them occasionally.

Follow-up support

Our  team  offers follow-up appointments to help you stay on track and monitor your progress. Over time, you see how a nutrient-rich diet improves your health, energy levels, and appearance. 

Our Providers

Meet our team of dedicated providers, serving patients at Colorado Springs Family Practice office location.


Shelby Remolino

Colorado Springs Family Practice